Thursday, November 8, 2012


This workout plan breaks exercises into various circuits; typically three exercises per circuit.  All circuits have elements of strength and cardio movements, but they are more heavily geared towards one or the other.  This strict grouping will keep your body on its toes and prevent the workout from becoming a jumbled list of exercises performed with no rhyme or reason.  During Cardio Explosion circuits, really focus on EXPLODING through each movement.  Generate power in your lower body and perform each rep to your full potential.  During Power Cardio Circuits, focus on engaging your core, utilizing your muscles, and doing full repetitions.  Speed Cardio Circuits are done to jack your heart rate up and maximize burnt calories.  Do these movements as fast as your abilities allow, without sacrificing your form.  Breaking this workout down in this way makes things easier and more efficient in the long run.
*When done according to the times listed, each workout should take just about 1 hour to complete.
Tips: Perform each circuit 3 total times.  For example, 3 x 1 minute  push ups/1 minute jumping jacks/ 1 minute plank/30 second rest.  You would perform 1 minute of  push ups, immediately followed by 1 minute of jumping jacks, immediately followed by a 1 minute plank, then rest for 30 seconds.  After the rest is up, you repeat exactly what you did above, two more times total.






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